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Secure Your Mobile App: Enhance your Cybersecurity

You might remember shows like "Get Smart" and "Inspector Gadget", featuring bumbling characters with access to mind-blowing multi-purpose tools and technology. Who would have thought decades later the world would have a multi-gadget tool within arm's reach nearly all day, every day? 

Although this gadget does not allow us to fly, skate, or stretch, it does help us with staying connected to the rest of the world. With the advent of app stores, we have access to over five million apps that help us learn, travel, stay connected to our friends and family worldwide, and so much more.

However, a device that stays connected to the world provides many features and more cybersecurity risks. Here are five ways to stay safe while using mobile apps. 

Setup app store security

When setting up your phone, you can choose whether you want to require a password to download apps from the store. Setting up a password on your app store creates a security barrier, so apps cannot automatically install on your phone.

Requiring a password will keep your phone safe from viruses or cyber-attacks that can automatically download without your permission. Apple has safer features as they control all the hardware on Apple devices, but Android is more prone to attacks because they have a range of operating systems that don't always require a safety check.

Software updates 

The majority of phones today are connected to the internet. Also, many mobile users keep sensitive data on their devices. Like a computer, phones have operating systems criminals can hack into. Software updates prevent hacking by fixing flaws and bugs within the software, so hackers have difficulty gaining access to your device. However, when phones are not updated, hackers can find holes within the system and compromise the device to gain access. 

Keeping software up to date also keeps other phone users' information protected. If your device is not up to date, and a hacker can gain access to your mobile phone, they can send viruses to other devices from your network.

It's important to download apps and software from trusted sources.

It's not uncommon to want all the apps available despite the security risk; however, the app stores filter out bad apps from being sold in their stores because there can be potential risks. Despite this, individuals will try and jailbreak their phones, so they can still gain access to these restricted applications. Make sure you only download apps that are from a trustworthy platform. Security measures are in place to prevent malware from being downloaded on your phone.

Require a phone password.

Requiring a password when working with your phone's stores prevents dangerous malware from being downloaded, but having a password on your phone can keep you protected in many ways. Creating a complex passcode increase your security and will keep your data protected. A great password includes 16-20 characters with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

Learn to lock/wipe your phone remotely.

Find My Device has saved many of us on numerous occasions, but what happens if you lose your phone and cannot retrieve it? Today, some tools allow you to lock your device remotely. You can also erase all the content from your device remotely, so you don't have to worry about sensitive data. Today, we store everything on our phones, including our payment information. Some states, like Colorado, even have mobile apps to access your driver's license information instead of carrying your physical ID. In these cases, wiping your phone remotely when stolen will keep thieves from stealing your information.

Today, we like to think of our phones as our lifelines. With our go-go gadget find my device, we never have to worry about where we left our phone; however, we still have to worry about who might have it or have access to it. Replacing a phone is easy, but rebuilding financially if your phone is hacked is another story. So, don't let Dr. Claw steal sensitive information; follow these tips and keep your mobile phone safe.