Stay informed!  Our system conversion occurs October 1 and we’ll need to send you confidential information relating to your account(s). Please update your contact information via mobile banking, by phone at (800) 555-6665, visiting us in branch, or by clicking here.

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Debit Card Fraud Prevention

We want to remind everyone how stolen cardholder information is used to commit fraud. We have included tips below that you can follow to help keep your information safe — even when dealing with us or with someone you think is from Aventa Credit Union.

Fraudsters have become increasingly adept at getting cardholders to share the information they need to commit fraud by posing as financial institution call center agents, or by sending text messages that look like they are coming from Aventa, warning of suspicious transaction activities. They are also known to call in to call centers posing as members/you requesting changes to card information and limits.

Fraudsters use information stolen through data breaches (at health insurance providers, reward program providers, credit bureaus, merchant terminals, and social media sites, to mention just a few recent ones) as well as through malware programs deployed on personal computers and other sources. Stolen personally identifiable information (PII) is combined with stolen card information, resulting in sufficient information to create profiles that fraudsters can use to position themselves as the actual member.

We recommend following the following points to help you avoid compromising your personal information:

-A text alert from the Aventa card processor warning of suspicious activity on your card will NEVER include a link to be clicked. You should never click on a link in a text message that is supposedly from the Aventa Fraud Department. A valid notification will provide information about the suspect transaction and ask the cardholder to reply to the text message with answers such as ‘yes’, ‘no’, or ‘stop to opt out’ and will never include a link. It will list a phone number as well as a case number related to the transaction in question for there reference as well as yours.

-A text alert from the Aventa will always be from a 5-digit number and NOT a 10-digit number resembling a phone number. Please see screenshot examples below.

-The processor will also attempt to send you and email if we have an email address on file for you alerting you of the transaction. Please see screenshot example below.

-If you did not respond to either one of the previous mentioned they also will attempt to call you to verify the transaction with you.

If at any point you are uncertain about questions being asked or the call itself, hang up and call us directly.

    -We will NEVER ask for the PIN or the 3-digit security code on the back of a card.

    -Posing as call center agents, fraudsters will often ask you to verify fake transactions. When you say no, you did not perform those transactions, the fraudster then says that your card will be blocked, a new card will be issued, and that they need the card’s PIN to put on the new card. Many people believe this and provide their PIN.

    -Regularly check your accounts online for suspicious transactions, but especially if you are unsure about a call or text message you’ve received. If anything looks amiss, call Aventa Credit Union directly.

    -And remember, you can now manage your debit card, turn the card on and off, directly from our Mobile app and our online banking platform.