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5 Tips to Help Step-up Your Password Game

81% of breaches come from weak passwords.

Aventa Credit Union understands that the average person manages over 100 online passwords, so creating a unique password for each login can be overwhelming. That’s why we want to share with you six ways to help step-up your password game so that you can stay safe and protected online.

1. Use numbers and special characters.

When creating a password, it’s important to use a mixture of numbers and special characters. Using a mixture of numbers and special characters creates a lower probability of hackers being able to guess the correct passwords. Most hackers use special software that systematically combines all letters. When numbers and special characters are added to a password, this software is unable to decode the password.

2. Avoid real words or phrases.

Most people struggle to remember passwords, which causes users to generate a password that is word based, or even a small phrase they will remember. Using dictionary words are easily guessed, and are more susceptible to cyber-attacks. It’s important to not use a name, pet’s name, dictionary words, or even phrases.

Phrases are more difficult to guess; however, according to, 37% of theft breaches use stolen or weak credentials including common phrases.

3. Interchange upper and lowercase letters.

Capitalization matters in a password. Using a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters makes a password stronger and prevents hackers from guessing your information.

4. Never repeat a password.

70% of people have admitted to using the same password for more than one account. Using the same password allows phishers easy access into online accounts. When phishers gain access into an online account they are able to collect personal data that can ultimately harm an individual.

5. Don’t be afraid of password managers.

65% of people don’t trust password managers, but password managers help users keep their information protected by recommending strong passwords. Password managers are safe solution to help store password information without running into the risk of a cyber-attack.